Well Brad if it's as good as all it's brothers that I own it will be on a rail . These karts are so easy to drive. They do everything as predictable as you could ever want a rear kart to do. I chose this frame because once you took out the steel pan and seat it really is no different than the Bug Sprint, and that was the best.
Aurands brought several Kats to my shop in late '61 or early '62, hoping Pop and I would take a distributorship. Since we already had Go Kart and all the Bug line, we decided not to take advantage of the offer. I drove their Mc20 single, and dual Mc20 at the local Rockledge track. I really liked the karts. Of course, I wasn't going to switch away from my Go Kart dual. Steve's stretched karts ought to be a blast to drive. Ted
Sorry for the olden website. PM me and I will give you his phone. I will be at the Doc most of tomorrow, but I will get it either tomorrow PM or Saturday. I just put a new Greg Palmini floor tank on the Photon, so you ought to be able to talk him out of at least one more! The tank is very handsome. Thanks, Greg! Ted