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Full Version: Dyna Drive case from Sam
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Here's what my old Dyna Drive case came out like from Sam Bennett's magic. It wasn't in bad shape, just typical for it's age. Wish I had "before" pix. Ted
i need one of those with the mounting tab broken off
TK, have you asked Paul Bennett? PM me if you need his email/phone. TJ
I'll post some bigger pics on the thread. Thanks Ted. You'll be very happy.
Sam, your work is fantastic. We had tumblers back in the day, but most were not used in the way you use them. I was telling Dean Kanocz this morning that between you and Nils Menten at Resto Cycle in Tucson, we have ways now of making our old parts look as new, or better than new. Thank you so much! Ted

So very pretty.
EEEEEH, What's up, Doc? Jimmy, you need to find a way to join us in November! Bring wine, we'll have food!
Of course, I got the gearbox from Paul, and it was pretty sound as I received it. I had to spend quite a while measuring for gaskets for the case halves and the cover, but we got 'er. Once she's back together with the oil housing and West Bend mounted up, I will get pix. TJ
Just got home from the P.O. with the Dyna gear case pieces. WoW! Sam really does magnificent work. The vintage community is so lucky to have him and a number of other craftsmen on whom we may depend. Ted